Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Personal research project. My Ultimate question to seek to answer, Part 2 Sexology

A Personal research project. My Ultimate question to seek to answer, Part 2 Sexology

1. The Instinct.
 The instinct and the rationality. We used to raise the "nationality" as an idea or concept contrasting to the 'instinct'. But I here express an objection or a worry on it. I think that the rationality also is based on the basic human instinct. In the rationality, the reasoning is emphasized and the basic feelings such as anger, resentment, sorrow or agony are excluded. In that reason we think it is a concept contrary to the "instinct". But the rationality is what we want. What we want means it's a kind of a desire human have. Therefore, I think the reason or rationality should be included in an instinct. 
 A sacrifice can be viewed as an instinct. Because we can see that even animals sacrifice himself for their won race.

2. Sexual Desire

 It's an instinct which everyone has. It's actually very strong. Social control on it is very widespread because of this. If it's a controllable desire, it wouldn't be suppressed this much. We can see those contradictory attidues toward Sex in dealing with our children. Usually parents are so cautious on it. Especially in Korea parents want their children to go to a school only for women or men and set some rules for them to return home because they know this.

 Through this part, I wanna show how strong the sexual desire is. And then I wanna ask a question. Why do we endeavour to give our genetic information to the offsprings?

 2.1 Human

 As I mentioned before on the section, "The Instinct", basically I think humans are not that different from animals, in other words humans are also animals having the instinct. By reviewing the results of the research on the sexual behavior of humans done by many scientists, I want to prove that how severely humans are competing or fighting behind the curtain.

 2.1.1 Kinsey

 Alfred Kinsey is quite famous for the research on the sexual behavior of humans in a systematic and scientific methods. I read articles on the report when I was a colleage student. I am so thankful to them because they resolved my curiosity. And let get some brief information on it. The objective

This research is to describe individual and group diversities in human sexual behavior using various methods from biology. And The samples consist of 5300 white males and 5940 white females. The results.

I am going to write here something only meaningful. 11% of married males reported that anal sex ranges from a single attempt to often. Nearly 46% of the males had engaged in both heterosexual and homosexual activities or reacted to both sexes, in the course of their adult lives.

On the first intercourse, Males: 20.9% by age 16; 10.7% at age 17; 11.5% at age 18; 10.8% at age 19. Females: 6% by age 16; 4.9% at age 17; 9.1% at age 18; 11.2% at age 19.

Number of extramarital sexual partners, not counting prostitutes, during first marriage for males are 71.6% reported none, 16.7% reported 1-3 partners, 5.6% reported 4-6 partners, 5.9% reported 7 or more (Table 351, p. 400, Kinsey Data, College Sample). And Number of extramarital sexual partners, not counting prostitutes, during first marriage for females are 79% reported none, 15.7% reported 1-3 partners, 2.4% reported 4-6 partners, 2.7% reported 7 or more (Table 351, p. 400, Kinsey Data, College Sample).

In Masturbation, 92% of males reported that they had masturbated. For females, 62% of females reported that they had masturbated, 45% of females who reported having masturbated indicated that they could reach orgasm within 3 minutes. Masturbation techniques reported by females, 84% used clitoral and labial manipulation, 20% used vaginal insertion, 11% used breast stimulation, 10% used thigh pressure, 5% muscular tension, 2% had fantasy alone to reach orgasm; and 11% used other techniques.

In the first ejaculation or orgasm, for males(it's ejaculation), 68.2% was through masturbation, 13.11% nocturnal emission, 12.53% coitus, 4.33% homosexual contact, the rest other sources including premarital petting. For females(it's orgasm), 40% masturbation, 27% coitus, 24% premarital petting (not found in chart), 5% nocturnal dreams, 3% homosexual, 1% other sources.

In the females' orgasm experience, 10% of all females had never reached orgasm in their marital intercourse. 39-47% of females reaching orgasm in nearly all of their marital intercourse. About 50% had experienced orgasm by age 20; about 90% by age 35. 

2.1.2 What the report tells us?

 In males, the age of the first intercourse is earlier and the rate of masturbation is higher than females. I guess that the response from the interviewees was not that candid because during the interview the society was so conservative. The age of the first intercourse would be more earlier and the rate of the masturbation would be higher. Anyway, the result for the masturbation rate of the females were higher than I thought, which means in actual the rate would be higher especially in the industrialized society. The difference of the sexual behavior and decision between males and females come from the different situation for example for males distribution of the gene is prior to any other, instead for females accepting a proper or a competitive gene is prior in my opinion. But looking over the inside more, the results could be different from the view.

 It is important that anyway the masturbation is what most people did or have been doing and spent some time for it.

 In the orgasm or ejaculation experience, the different rate of the "while dreaming" would come from the different cycle of the sexual desire, for example for male almost every 3 days, for female almost a month. Yes, the desire becomes stronger more frequently in males than in females.

 The late age of the first sexual intercourse for the females shows that basically females are more picky in selecting their partner. In other words, it's intrinsic(instinct) rather than social.

 I cannot say that the desire is bigger in males than in females. But I can say that the cycle of desire is different, it seems that males feel the desire more frequently than females.

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