Monday, June 24, 2013

Recommending music player apps - Alsong


 Price                            : ☆☆☆
 Performance               : ☆☆☆ 
 Convenience               : ☆☆☆ 
 Usability                     : ☆☆☆
 Overall                        : ☆☆☆

Price : 0.
             Click Here for more information.

 Comments : It took a long time for me to find my apps for music playing. There was no function to navigate the folders to find musics, which was very hard for me to enjoy my music more conveniently. This is why I came to search for the music player with which I can navigate the folders.  
 And finally, I found a Korean apps made by Eastsoft, which is very famous for the altools(Alzip, alsong, alftp, alsee and so on. I felt again the quality of the Eastsoft products.  

 Now I am really satisfied with the product. 

 Why I recommend the Alsong
 1. It supports the navigation by title, artist, album and also folders. 
 2. While playing music on the Alson, it doesn't trigger the basic music player which is built in the machine from the start if I press the play button on the headset.  
 3. The navigation and the interface is very good for Koreans. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't find an English version of the Alsong. Even if I change the locale, the name of the apps doesn't change. It supports the "Bugs Music" which is a famous music site, very similar with Itunes in some way. 

The apps I've used for music playing before this.
1. The default apps

As you see, there is no way to navigate the folders to find music. 

   : Evonit Community. 
     Things which is inconvenient to me are those: it triggers the basic music player when I press the button; there is no way to navigate the folders after I make a folder containing new music.  

   : It's very simple and intuitive music player. It could be alternative for this.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Expecting new TV Korean drama, Hearing of your voice.

I hear of your voice The typical characteristics of Korean dramas, covering the poor plot with pretty and handsome faces, I hope it's not the kind. 

 Here is a boy who can hear people's voice. And far later, a lawyer has an interview to be a public lawyer. And the story tells the connections between the boy and the the lawyer. 

How would it go? I became really curious on it. 

   Rate : ☆☆☆
   Jenre : Fantasy, Romantic?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The ancient Knowledge Part 1.

 I want to talk about the above video because it gave me some insight of the world around me. The world is about frequency, wave and energy. And this can change the world? I've experienced in somehow the connection with each other. If somebody truly loves me, he or she can affect me. Before my grandmother died, I dreamed a very severe nightmare. She was in Korea and I was in Uzbekistan. It was very far from here.

I think if we cares of somebody, he or she feels anyway, anyhow.
Brain, heart and feeling, they affect the environment in their own way, which we don't know yet. There was a very special experiment on it in Korea. The following video will show our attitudes and words actually made difference.

The positive words should have some positive wave and frequency, therefore those results are shown in the video.

An article on someone who makes a big money from the fear control.

They are protesting against the re-activating of the 1st Nuclear Power plant located in Gori.

Here is the article in Korean(English version is not available)

According to the article, the current power crisis comes from the insistent policy of privatization by the Government. The KEPCO(the Korean Electric Power Corporation) is privatized in 2011. Since then, several problems were coming out.

The privatized companies gave up investing or building required facilities to supply enough power. 5 big private Power plants such as Posco, LG and SK, made about 940 billion won net profit.  For the while, the price of the power for the industry is close to less than 90% of the net cost. Therefore so called Korean Chebol got enormous in-direct profit from it.

In the end, the costs are covered by the ordinary people just for the profits of some people.

The above facts are just some parts of wide-spread corrupt around the basic infrastructure in Korea.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Korea, a paradise for the rich, is it true? 有錢無罪 無錢有罪

This is based on the true story. Runaway prisoner, Ji Ganghun, He cried "Yu Joen Mu Jwe Mu Jeon Yu Jwe"

I've heard a lot from people around me that Korea is very good place to live for rich people. There is a saying which explains it exactly, which is "Yu Jeon Mu Jwe Mu Jeon Yu Jwe(有錢無罪 無錢有罪)". It means "no guilty with money, guilty without money".

If you want to see the historical movie on it, see the following video.

From the event, the words "有錢無罪 無錢有罪" became famous. I think the phrase explains a lot of Korean society. I don't know how much you feel the same way with me, but if you come and live in Korea, you will know this.

How much did the Korean society change? It's still the same, I think. What should we do? We need to raise our voice and get together. Yes, we need to be united to protect ourselves. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

When the hell will the Korean bubble of the real estate collapse?

The Korean Economy is going on well like now even later? Look at the history. It will tell you that there was no country keeping its wealth forever. Every country underwent the ups and downs. Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world before. 

So far, so many people were victims for the economic growth. And the price of real estate went so high. As far as I am so sure of, some day, the Korean economy will collapse. Especially the bubble of the real estate in Korea will be burst off. The labor force of human has limits. When they think they can not take it any more, they give up. It's human nature. Of course there will be exceptions.

And when the hell is it?
There is a writer in Korean debating site called Agora. He persistently insisted that the apartment will be zero priced. You can read it if you click here. It's all in Korean.
The main focus of his argues is on the apartment, not on the real estate overall. It's kind of a consumable product. And considering many factors, the price of the apartment in Korea is too high. It's the problem. 

We can imagine that one day lots of people have to sell their apartments because they cannot hold their apartment with a high price. You can see lots of apartment in Korea everywhere. You will be amazed by that if you see with your own eyes. If they have to make money by selling the apartment in a short time. The result would be catastrophic. Even the price of the real estate will jump down. 
 Actually the roles of the current government or the rulers is just to keep the pace. In other words, what they have to do is just not to make lots of people sell their houses simultaneously. 
 If it happens, there will be revolution.

 Yes, this can be inferred by anybody. But the difference between the ordinary people like me and the elites or the rulers are the exactness, precision. The main question is 'when?' and 'how much big impact?'.

 Yes, the big crash down will come in the end one by one, in some day...