Sunday, January 12, 2014

Report on the expected departure to home, Benefit application for severance pay_Samsung Fire Insurance, Industrial Accident Insurance Application, Petition letter for Labor Ministry.

Report on the expected departure to home, Benefit application for severance pay_Samsung Fire Insurance, Industrial Accident Insurance Application, Petition letter for Labor Ministry.

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

It's the report on the expected departure to home in Korean

Application for the Industrial Accident Insurance

Petition Letter for Labor Minitry

It's the benefit application for severance pay_Samsung and Seoul Guarantee Insurance

It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor. Click here to download of the viewer.
Or download HWP viewer for Android will be available from February here.

Wage calculation by the minimum wage in Korea from 2010 to 2014

Wage calculation by the minimum wage in Korea from 2010 to 2014

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

Tax calculation program for a severance pay in 2013

Tax calculation program for a severance pay in 2013

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

It's a basic form of Information Disclosure Application for the Labor Welfare Corporation.

It's a basic form of Information Disclosure Application for the Labor Welfare Corporation.

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor. Click here to download of the viewer.
Or download HWP viewer for Android will be available from February here.

You are going to need a debtee's citizen registration certificate from a public office(So called 'Dongsamuso'). The followings are the letter of attorney needed for it.

You are going to need a debtee's citizen registration certificate from a public office(So called 'Dongsamuso'). The followings are the letter of attorney needed for it.

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

It's a letter of attorney in Korean for Legal Aid Corporation of Korea for a lawsuit

It's a letter of attorney in Korean for issuing a citizen registration certificate in a public office in Korea.

It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor. Click here to download of the viewer.
Or download HWP viewer for Android will be available from February here.

Letter of Attorney for Immigration Office

Letter of Attorney for Immigration office in Korean. It's just a form. You can adapt it as you want.

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor. Click here to download of the viewer.
Or download HWP viewer for Android will be available from February here. 

Self-Clarification of debtee's property for legal lawsuit

Self-Clarification of debtee's property for legal lawsuit, which is used when there is no other way to find out his or her property.

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor.


It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor. Click here to download of the viewer.
Or download HWP viewer for Android will be available from February here.

Letter of attorney of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance in Korean

It's a attorney letter for Industrial Accident Insurance. It's just a form. You can adapt it as you want.

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

Letter of attorney of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance.

It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor. Click here to download of the viewer.
Or download HWP viewer for Android will be available from February here.

Petition and letters of attorney to submit to a Labor Ministry - Korean, English, Vietnamese

It's just a form. You can adapt them in your own way.

Note : If you see a message 'forbidden', just reload the page. You may download them.

Letter of attorney for labor matter petition in Vietnamese.

Letter of attorney for labor matter petition in English.

Letter of attorney for labor matter petition in Korean.

It's in Korean made by Hangeul Word Processor. Click here to download of the viewer.
Or download HWP viewer for Android will be available from February here.