Thursday, August 14, 2008

Things I've given up because of my poverty.

Looking back over my childhood, I usually am overwhelmed with my poverty and the sadness I had undergone. What did the poverty give me and what did I have to give up for that?

Yep, so many things. When I was coming to an age when I came to know what is life, I tried to do something for money. It was when I was about thirteen or fourteen years old. In my elementray school, my parents didn't give me much attention and I was always with dirts on my clothes. Because of this, I hadn't many friends around me and was accustomed with the depise from others and the sadness from it. Yep, that was my life. Even now, writing about it, I am feeling sad. The sadness is never degraded. This is not like others. But, I wanna appreciate it, this sadness makes me strong and at the same time, I feel like I am a human with a warm heart. Ok, this was not what I wanted to write. I wanted to talk about the power the money has. Yep right.

When I was at the age of love, in my university, I've met girls who liked me and also I liked. But, I couldn't go on because I didn't have a future in my life, frankly speaking I was confident at all. Why? there was no back up system in my life. If I don't have a good job, I wouldn't be able to support my family and her. I couldn't guarantee the happiness of my girl. This is why I intentionally tried to avoid and try not to get married with her. Even, I met a beautiful woman, I couldn't give my 100 % cofidence to her, because I could'nt give any future to her. As much as I love, I wanted her to be happy. Yep, I used to think that she deserves more than I.

Yep, this is right. My poverty affects my love in many ways like this. With delicious lies and the a faked confidence which is naturally shown on my appearance, I could get a woman easily. But........... I just didn't. Lie is not just my life. I am so bad at lying.

Whatever, Iike this, poverty take so many things from my life. Even now I don't have much choice in my life. I have only mother and she is not healthy because of a traffic accident long time ago. And I want to give her new artificial teeth. I am not sure of it. And, I just spend much money on computer. With computer, I can spend my time alone not that lonely and this is a way I save my money. With one computer, I don't need to buy TV, Radio, Cassette recorder and even women. I usually satisfy myself by seeing some pornography with computer. This is the way I live. I don't buy new clothes or fancy products. I just hate that.

I do scarecely buy meal for others and try to save some money whenever I have some meal with others together. This is one of reasons why others don't like me much. I just can't. And in my ordinary life, I don't have a bright face or impression. Because I always worry about my mother and my future, and the world where so many people are on famine as you know.

I think poverty affects a person's life so many ways. And this is why people try to get more money. In our lives, money plays an important role and I've seen people used to say that money is not important, love is important and so on. Personally, I agree partially with that. But, we must not disregart the power of money. I've seen and experienced the power of money in front of law and even love.

I think we all have to endeavor to make the world where money really don't any role at least in front of law and justice. I wanna make that kind of world. American government killed so many people directly and indirectly in the name of security or god. If you look at the event more closesly, you will be able to know this is because of money. Just because they are more gregarious.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ethics, Doctrines and Right or Wrong

Ethics, Doctrines and Right or Wrong are made not by some ethical principles but by needs.
Long time ago, about 15 years ago, I stopped judging which is right or wrong. I admitted that I could not judge which is right. If the God exists, only he can do that.
And let’s talk about the ethics. In ethics, there are so many rules to be asked to follow and those are different from time to time, from group to group and from district to district. For example, Yakuza in Japan, the honor and loyalty are considered best virtues. So, they get over their dishonor by killing themselves. But the suicide is considered as a great sin in Christianity.
Looking back at the era of middle age and dynasties in which the sword ruled the world, it was natural for male to have a power over female. In that society, physical strength was very important because with that people can get food and protect female or people. To survive they needed that kind of rules. In that society, to keep an order, they needed a religious doctrine, which can justify rulers’ right to control and males’. That means males are supposed to have responsibility to take care of females instead of having some rights to control females. On the other hand, females are supposed to serve males and not to have responsibility instead of losing the right to choose. Of course, this is applied to usual cases, not to all cases.
But nowadays, especially in the developed countries, physical power doesn’t mean the main power to get food and control. The smartness, specialized skills or money can give power to control. So, woman can have job and get power. This means females also have responsibility and freedom of choice.
Forcing some ethical principle was prevailing in old times. Power people justified their power-having, sometimes their corruptions, killings and violating human rights using religious doctrines or the ethical principles. And that forcing is being seen even now many times in Korea, in every corner of our lives. As I have shown here, there are fundamental principle that everybody has to keep, which can be called ‘truth’. In my opinion, we have to use the terms ‘good’ or ‘bad’ instead of using ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the ethical problem. Because we judge something in terms of their behalves.
The right to decide which is good, bad, right or wrong must be given to each person. We must not force the ethical principle to people by making some laws. Law must be about violating human rights and some facts.
Modern society are very mixed world. That means a lot of different ethical principles co-exist in this world. Above-mentioned reasons, we have to guarantee human rights for gays and lesbians. We have to abolish the laws to prohibit prostitution.
Posted by 바다모레

The future aspects of our lives

The speed of information transfer and the convenience of transporation. What will it bring to us.
In the information age where we live now, into what would the world change. In my personal opinion, the world change like this.
We can get information very easily and we can go to every corner of this earth if we have enough money. This means that the area of your recognition will be expanded. And what would be considered important in our life? What about nationalism and what about ethnicism? What do you think about it? I don't what you would think of, but I think like this.
As a person, I don't care about your color, your nationality and your langauge. What I care about is your personality, your interests and your trustworth. In this era, the color of your skin isn't that important than before and your nationality isn't that important than before. In the near future, people in the world will gather according to their interests. I mean people will gather with people who have the same interests. We can see some example right now. The international corporation is very good example. They are a kind of very big human group with similar purpose. They don't care about some nationality and human racism as long as it is not related with their interests. If somebody thinks that Samsung is now a representative company in Korea, that's an mistake I think. Only their base is in Korea. They will hire more foreign people as time gose by. They will only care for the skills and ability their personnel have. As you know they are cooperating with Sony based in Japan although we have very bad feeling toward Japan. Also Sony hired the foreign CEO. Now I think you would guess that what is important in this era.

She is beautiful. She is good. No, not at all. I have been deceived so far.

She is beautiful. She is good. No, not at all. I have been deceived so far.
I wanna argue about the fact that someone is beautiful. Because beauty is upto me. It is different from people to people and circumstance to circumstance. Please don't be deceived or fooled by the seemingly beauty.
The reason I am writing this is that some girls who thinks she is ugly will suffer from it a lot. I really hate the reality that the appearance makes people happy and unhappy. What a crab!! I want to change the social atmosphere into that everybody has his own self-confidence regardless of his appearance. But the so called mass media is the majoy obstacles to make that atmosphere in Korean society. The social mood forces girls to be beautiful in terms of widely know standards. By seeing dramas, Tv shows and movie, our standard to judge which is good or bad can chage. Why so many women try to get an plastic surgery? Because the girl thinks that this appearance will make other guys love her more. But she will lose the chance to meet a guy who would love her with the appearance she had before. Man are also being misled by the media. That makes us see some girls beautiful.
I usually have seen some women ugly in some standards so depressed and not confident in themselves. This aggrevates their appearance more badly.
I wanna change that. Everybody deserves some hapiness in their lives. Don't be sad about your appearance.

The nonsense of Korean music poplularity.

The nonsense of Korean music popularity.
I have been so worried about korean pop music future. There is no artist but entertainer. I really like artists such as Jewel, nell(korean). Also I like journey sketch , a Korean band. In Korea, it seems that everybody enjoys Finkle, TVXG.. but I really doubt about it. I and we really don't know how many people in Korea really enjoy that kind of music. It seems to me that only few part of teenagers are so enthusiastic for their stars.
I think the teenagers are the only good consumers for pop music because they have time, money and tendancy easily driven by just appearance and easiness. But appearance is not everything. In reality, maybe there are so many teenagers who don't like that kind of pop music. The korean representative broadcasting companies drive people to believe that some pop music are very popular. And I really doubt it.
Even If I had money or afforded to buy a lot of music CDs, I wouldn't buy that pop music. The thinking that this music would be popular makes the music more popular. So, I want to make a group which can support artists that we like but I am not sure that it is possible. If I can, I wanna do.

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