Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Korea, a paradise for the rich, is it true? 有錢無罪 無錢有罪

This is based on the true story. Runaway prisoner, Ji Ganghun, He cried "Yu Joen Mu Jwe Mu Jeon Yu Jwe"

I've heard a lot from people around me that Korea is very good place to live for rich people. There is a saying which explains it exactly, which is "Yu Jeon Mu Jwe Mu Jeon Yu Jwe(有錢無罪 無錢有罪)". It means "no guilty with money, guilty without money".

If you want to see the historical movie on it, see the following video.

From the event, the words "有錢無罪 無錢有罪" became famous. I think the phrase explains a lot of Korean society. I don't know how much you feel the same way with me, but if you come and live in Korea, you will know this.

How much did the Korean society change? It's still the same, I think. What should we do? We need to raise our voice and get together. Yes, we need to be united to protect ourselves. 

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