Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This is about our virtue system which can be called "culture" or "ethics" or whatever.

This is about our virtue system which can be called "culture" or "ethics" or whatever. Part 1

Preface : This is going to be updated from time to time. It's not complete yet. I just want to know who would agree with this and how many of them are out there. That is, how far my personal values can reach over the world. Maybe this social theory might have been published already, but it hasn't been borrowed or referred from somewhere else. It just came from my idea.  If you know some publications on it, please let me know.

 Values and value judgement: I divided the values into three categories as followings. 

 Personal Values - the values or judgement standard which is used by a person. The standards or the values are so various. Impossible to find all values of each person.

  Actual common values - The values or judgement standards which all people agree with really. The group of people range from a small group to world. They are different according to the size of the group, the characteristics of the group and so on. If the size of the group is bigger than 100,000 people, it would be very hard to define. If it is about a country, it is almost impossible. 

  Personally supposed Common Values - The common values and value judgement which a person think that almost all people think is right. This is what I am really concerned of. And I want to go further for this study. 

 OK. Let's go find out the relationships between the different values. 

 In a historical view, the values changes according to the needs of people who lived in their era. It means the values come from the needs. This may be very hard for religious people or worshipers to accept. I understand that, so keep your ideas or faith if you want. And if you want to know why I think like that, you may refer it to the followings. 

The third value affects our behaviors in many ways. A person forms the value after influenced by his or her surrounding people, mass media and so on. In old times, women are supposed to work domestically, to be protected by men and no need to be educated. And really all women agreed with it? In other word, it was the actual common value? No, I don't think so. But they were suppressed not to express their ideas. They were really afraid of expressing it. Maybe there were actually many women, but they couldn't have a chance to meet those girls who have same values. 

 Information technology and the sharing info. affects the process in which a personal value become the seemingly pervasive value, the personal common value. 

 And then, let's talk about the fashion. Many people choose their own clothes considering the above 2 values(Personal values and personally supposed common values). For example, when a person choose a cloth, he or she might choose one as he or she wants but also considers how others would might think of the cloth when he or she wears. Some might compromise in the middle of somewhere, some might choose by putting the personal value over the personally supposed common value. But in case he or she chooses a cloth which are very close to the actually common value, he or she successfully choose the cloth if he or she wants to show off. And also this applied when you choose your opposite sex partner.

Go to the part 2

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